What exactly is caries?

Dental caries is a common disease that affects the teeth and can lead to serious consequences if not treated in time. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what caries is, what causes it and how it can be prevented.

What is caries?

Caries, also called tooth decay, is a disease that occurs when bacteria in dental plaque break down sugars in food and drink, resulting in the formation of acids that can damage the enamel of the tooth. If not treated in time, it can lead to tooth decay, toothache, inflammation and, in the worst case, tooth loss.

What causes caries?

Caries is caused by a combination of factors, including poor dental hygiene, a diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates, and a genetic predisposition. Bacteria that occur naturally in the mouth form dental plaque, a sticky coating that adheres to the teeth and contains the acid-producing bacteria.

How can caries be prevented?

Preventing tooth decay is primarily about maintaining good dental hygiene. This means brushing your teeth regularly, at least twice a day, with a fluoride toothpaste. It is also important to use floss or toothpicks to clean between the teeth, and to avoid foods and drinks rich in sugar and carbohydrates.

Regular dental visits are also an important part of preventing tooth decay. The dentist can perform a thorough cleaning of the teeth and detect early signs of tooth decay before it becomes serious. The dentist may also recommend fluoride rinses or teeth whitening to strengthen the enamel and prevent future cavities.

In conclusion, caries is a common and serious disease that can be avoided through good dental hygiene and a healthy diet. Regular dental visits can also help to detect and treat caries in time. So take care of your teeth and keep them strong and healthy by following these simple caries prevention tips.